You probably getting an error “Connection refused” when you tried connecting remotely to your raspberry. By default, raspberry pi disabled the SSH connection in raspbian OS so you have to enable this settings in order to connect either by Putty or SSH from linux or ubuntu.
Follow our step by step guide below to enable the SSH in your Raspberry pi. Note: You need to open the terminal to enter the code.
Open Raspberry Pi configuration tool
First, we have to open the Raspberry Pi configuration settings using the code below.
sudo raspi-config
Now, the Raspberry Pi Software configuration is now open, let’s go to 4 Interfacing Options.
Then, go to P2 SSH.
Now, Hit the Yes button to enable SSH server from your raspberry Pi.
Your SSH is now enabled, just hit OK then Finish to close the configuration tools.
Getting your IP Address
If you don’t know of the IP address of your raspberry pi, enter the following code.
hostname -I
That’s it! You’re now ready to connect your raspberry pi to your SSH terminal from other computer. For login credentials, username is pi and password is raspberry. Root password is the same, just use su –, to use root.